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CancerLynx - we prowl the net
March 1, 2004

Club N.E.D.
Terri Gray

Does anyone know, does anyone care,
Just exactly how in the world I get from here to there?
You may be asking where THERE might be.
Well I'll tell you it's not across the sea.
It's not high in the sky or down low on the ground,
It's simply the place where I'd like to be found.

This place has a name, they call it Club NED.
It's truly not a place I made up in my head.
It's where tumors and lesions no longer abound.
It's definitely not where any cancer is found.

Some get there in six months, some in a year.
For others the road there seems too long, I fear.
But Club NED is waiting, and I'm going there,
To the place where I'll once again have some hair.

Where my calendar is filled with fun things to do,
Not surrounded by visits to doctor you know who!
So join me on my journey, tag along, if you please,
'Cause I'm headed where there's No Evidence of Disease.

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